
Guide to the Microfilm Edition

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Representative digitized documents from this collection:

Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. Select items are available as color digital facsimiles (see links below). Black and white microfilm is also available for use in the library.

Collection Summary


This collection consists of approximately 9,500 items, including more than 8,000 pieces of correspondence (letters to Jefferson and retained copies of outgoing letters often made with a polygraph machine), journals, account books, and other personal papers of Thomas Jefferson.

Biographical Timeline

13 Apr. 1743
Born to Peter and Jane Randolph Jefferson at Shadwell in Albemarle County, Va.
Jan. 1758
Enrolled in school of Rev. James Maury; remained for two years.
Mar. 1760
Entered College of William and Mary, Williamsburg.
Left college to study law under George Wythe.
Began garden book.
Admitted to Virginia bar.
Construction of Monticello underway.
Elected to Virginia House of Burgesses through 1776.
Nov. 1770
Occupied Monticello after burning of Shadwell.
1 Jan. 1772
Married Martha Wayles Skelton.
Mar. 1773
Named to Committee of Correspondence to channel communication and to unify the colonies.
Jan. 1774
Began farm book.
July 1774
Delegate to Virginia Convention in Williamsburg; illness prevented attendance; drafted "Albemarle Resolutions."
Aug. 1774
Published "A Summary of the Rights of British America."
Chairman of Committee of Safety in Albemarle County.
Mar. 1775
Attended Second Virginia Convention.
May 1775
Delegate to Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia.
Sep. 1775
Named commander of Albemarle militia.
June 1776
Virginia accepted his draft for state constitution, the first colony to become a state.
Completed Declaration of Independence.
2-8 July 1776
Declaration signed.
Sep. 1776
Resigned from Congress.
Oct. 1776
Attended sessions of Virginia House of Delegates through 1779 and started revision of Virginia legal code.
July 1779
Elected governor of Virginia.
June 1781
Retired from office after much dispute.
Sep. 1782
Wife Martha died.
Nov. 1782
Congress named him to peace commission in France.
Apr. 1783
Released from commission after preliminary peace signed with England.
Nov. 1783
Delegate to Virginia Congress; drafted 31 state papers.
May 1784
Appointed minister plenipotentiary with John Adams and Benjamin Franklin to negotiate treaties of commerce with Europe.
Aug. 1784
Arrived in Paris.
Mar. 1785
Succeeded Franklin as minister to France after latter's retirement.
May 1785
Notes on the State of Virginia first published in Paris; written 1781-1782.
Jan. 1786
Virginia Assembly passed his "Ordinance of Religious Freedom," written in 1779.
Mar. 1786
Journeyed to London for seven weeks to assist John Adams.
Mar. 1787
Toured southern France and northern Italy for three months.
Oct. 1787
Re-elected minister to France for a three-year term.
Mar. 1788
Visited Germany and the Low Countries for seven weeks.
Nov. 1789
Returned to America.
Dec. 1789
Accepted President Washington's offer of position of secretary of state.
Reworked and expanded Monticello from 1789 until 1809.
Mar. 1790
Sworn in as secretary of state in New York.
Nov. 1790
Moved to temporary capital at Philadelphia.
May 1791
Traveled for a month with James Madison through New York, Vermont, and Connecticut to line up political support.
31 Dec. 1793
Resigned from position as secretary of state after conflicts with Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton.
Nov. 1796
Placed on Republican ticket for president in national election.
Feb. 1797
Votes counted; received second most votes to become vice president under John Adams.
4 Mar. 1797
Sworn in at Philadelphia.
Acted as president of the American Philosophical Society until 1814.
Sep. 1798
Wrote Kentucky Resolutions in defense of states' rights in protest of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
Nov. 1799
Second set of Kentucky Resolutions passed.
May 1800
Republicans organized first national platform with a caucus, with Jefferson for president in election.
Dec. 1800
Tie between votes for Jefferson and Aaron Burr.
11-17 Feb. 1801
Special session of House of Representatives called to break the tie; Jefferson finally voted in as president.
4 Mar. 1801
Inauguration held in Washington, D.C.
May 1801
Tripoli declared war on the U.S. over commercial policy; warships sent to the Mediterranean.
Dec. 1801
Sent first annual message to Congress.
Feb. 1802
War with Tripoli declared.
Mar. 1802
Repealed Judiciary Act of 1801 to nullify judicial appointments.
Apr. 1802
Signed bill against internal taxes.
Oct. 1803
Louisiana Purchase ratified; bought for $15 million, it restored right of deposit at New Orleans.
Feb. 1804
Re-nominated and re-elected as president with George Clinton as vice president.
May 1804
Lewis and Clark departed from St. Louis to start exploration of new territory.
4 Mar. 1805
Second inauguration held.
June 1805
Peace treaty with Tripoli and Morocco signed.
Jan. 1806
House authorized $2 million to buy Florida from Spain.
Summer 1807
British troops began practice of impressment.
British ships banned from American waters after Chesapeake attack.
Dec. 1807
Embargo Act passed.
Mar. 1809
Repeal of Embargo Act.
Jefferson retired to Monticello.
Sep. 1814
Offered to sell personal library to Congress for $25,000; transferred six months later.
7 Mar. 1825
University of Virginia opened.
4 July 1826
Jefferson died at Monticello.


For further information on Jefferson's library, see:

Sowerby, E. Millicent, ed. Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1983.

Wilson, Douglas. "Jefferson's Libraries." Thomas Jefferson: A Reference Biography. Ed. Merrill D. Peterson. New York: Scribner, 1986.

Collection Description

The Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts held by the Massachusetts Historical Society, by number of documents, is second only to the Jefferson Collection at the Library of Congress. The Coolidge Collection chronicles the personal life of Jefferson, for it is composed, for the most part, of his private rather than his official papers. There are close to 9,500 items in the collection, including more than 8,000 pieces of correspondence (letters to and from Jefferson); 400 architectural drawings; account books and journals, including Jefferson's farm and garden books (estate and plantation records); the manuscript catalog of his personal library; the manuscript of his only major published work, Notes on the State of Virginia; and other miscellaneous manuscript documents.

Thomas Jefferson retained the letters he received, filing them in his desk. His use of a polygraph (a letter-copying machine) enabled him to keep a copy of each letter he sent out. Late in his life, he made wet letterpress copies of his letters. His meticulous record-keeping accounts for the estimated total of 50,000 letters written by or to him that survive.

The letters penned by Jefferson found in the Coolidge Collection are mainly addressed to relatives, close friends, and business contacts, though many do deal with the politics of the time or are of a more public nature. There are also many letters of introduction and reference written to him. Other documents in his own hand include legal papers, promissory notes, accounts, tax statements, contracts, leases, indentures, and memoranda on Monticello. There are also, not in Jefferson's hand, accounts, bills, receipts, invoices, diplomas, some official papers such as Congressional documents, and some miscellaneous letters not addressed to Jefferson but found among his papers.

All dated letters and documents by Jefferson in the Coolidge Collection have been individually cataloged in the MHS card catalog. The card catalog also contains entries for most letters to Jefferson. Off-site researchers may consult the Catalog of Manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society (1969 and 1980 Supplement) for a list of individual items in this collection. Entries marked with an asterisk (Jefferson*) indicate Thomas Jefferson Coolidge III's 1957 additions to the original Coolidge Collection. These items appear in a separate chronological sequence on Reel 14 of this microfilm. A list of the undated items in this collection is available in the MHS library.

This microfilm edition was filmed in 1977.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, 1898, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., 1911, and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge III, 1937, 1957. Jefferson's manuscript copy of the Declaration of Independence, which is included on this microfilm but is not a part of the Coolidge Collection, was a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Washburn, 1893.

Custodial History

The Coolidge Collection held by the Massachusetts Historical Society was compiled from four separate gifts by members of the Coolidge family over a span of 60 years. The Thomas Jefferson papers in their possession came to them through a circuitous route.

Jefferson bequeathed his entire personal collection of correspondence, documents, and manuscripts to his grandson Thomas Jefferson Randolph in 1826. Randolph published a four-volume edition of the papers, Memoirs, Correspondence, and Miscellanies from the Papers of Thomas Jefferson in 1829. In 1837, Jefferson's close friend, George Tucker, wrote a Life of Thomas Jefferson, relying on Randolph's collection and also a selection of letters held by Nicholas P. Trist, husband of one of Jefferson's granddaughters. Trist's collection indicates some division in the correspondence, but Randolph maintained possession of the bulk of the collection until he offered to sell it to the government in 1848.

On August 12, 1848, Congress authorized $20,000 to acquire the papers. As a condition of the purchase, the papers were deposited in the State Department for examination by Henry A. Washington, the librarian of the State Department. He was to divide and keep the "public" manuscripts and return the "private" papers, in which there then was little interest, to the family. Apparently, Washington divided the manuscripts inconsistently and neglected to return the "private" papers. In 1869, Randolph demanded recovery of this part of the collection in accordance with the act of 1848. The "private" papers finally were returned to him a year later in 1870.

Upon the death of Randolph in 1875, possession of this collection of "private" papers that would later form the core of the Coolidge Collection passed to his daughter, Sarah Nicholas Randolph. In 1889, she again offered the papers to Congress, but the bill for purchase failed to pass in 1892. The collection passed into the hands of Sarah's sisters, Carolina Ramsay and Cary Ann Nicholas Randolph, after Sarah's death in 1898.

Thomas Jefferson's great-grandson, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge (1831-1920) of Boston, had become interested in the collection, and he obtained it from Carolina Ramsay. He presented this collection of over 8,000 items to the Massachusetts Historical Society in June 1898. His donation comprises the bulk of the present collection: correspondence, including 3,280 letters written by Jefferson and 4,630 letters received by him; the garden book, 1766-1824; the farm book, 1774-1824; annotated almanacs from 1771-1776; account books for 1783-1790; manuscript expense accounts from 1804-1825; notes on the weather spanning the years 1782-1826; plans of American forts in 1765; law treatises, 1778-1788; legal papers, 1770-1772; and Jefferson's 1783 catalog of his personal library.

Thomas Jefferson Coolidge's son, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr. (1863-1912), visited Monticello in 1911 and found there Jefferson's original architectural drawings for his home in the hands of two of Thomas Jefferson Randolph's granddaughters, Mary Walker Randolph and Cornelia J. Taylor. After buying some of them, he deposited them at the Massachusetts Historical Society the same year. In December 1937, his son, Thomas Jefferson Coolidge III (1893-1959), presented to the MHS additional Jefferson-related material, including three volumes of "Acts of the Virginia Assembly," 1764-1765 and 1770-1772, two of which are believed to be Jefferson's own copies; correspondence between Jefferson and his business agents; correspondence between his daughters Martha and Maria and their respective husbands, Thomas Mann Randolph and John Wayles Eppes; and over 200 of the deposited architectural drawings.

The collection was completed in November 1957 with the gift of 282 Jefferson letters dating from 1775-1827 by Thomas Jefferson Coolidge III, including correspondence with business agents and overseers and letters between Jefferson, his daughters, and their husbands.

Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. Select items are available as color digital facsimiles (see links below). Black and white microfilm is also available for use in the library.

Other Formats

For digital images of the 1783 and 1789 Catalogs of Books, the manuscript copy of the Declaration of Independence, the farm and garden books, the manuscript of Notes on the State of Virginia, and Jefferson's architectural drawings, see the Thomas Jefferson Papers: An Electronic Archive.

Jefferson's farm and garden books have been published in facsimile as: Thomas Jefferson's Garden Book, 1766-1824 (Philadelphia, 1944; Charlottesville, 1976, 1987) and Thomas Jefferson's Farm Book (Princeton, 1953; reprinted 1974, 1985), both annotated and edited by Edwin M. Betts, and The Garden and Farm Books of Thomas Jefferson, edited by Robert C. Baron (Golden, Colorado, 1987).

The manuscript of Notes on the State of Virginia served as the setting copy for the privately printed Paris edition of 1785. (When Jefferson was in Paris in 1785 representing the United States as a diplomat, he paid to have 200 copies of Notes printed for private distribution.) Two years later, in 1787, Jefferson authorized his London bookseller, John Stockdale, to publish for general sale a somewhat expanded edition of the work.

The Jefferson architectural drawings in the Coolidge Collection are reproduced in Fiske Kimball's Thomas Jefferson, Architect (1916; 1968). Frederick Doveton Nichols's Thomas Jefferson's Architectural Drawings (1960 and more recently revised editions) contains a somewhat less complete and less detailed inventory of the MHS Jefferson architectural drawings. These two publications are the sources of the "K" (Kimball) and "N" (Nichols) numbers listed in Series V below. For more information about the various numbers associated with the architectural drawings, see the Thomas Jefferson Papers: An Electronic Archive.

The Massachusetts Historical Society also holds a 31-reel microfilm set of the papers of Thomas Jefferson filmed in 1944 with funds from Thomas Jefferson Coolidge III. This 16-reel microfilm edition, made in 1977, supersedes that set.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Correspondence, 1705-1826

Arranged chronologically.

This series consists of correspondence to and from Jefferson and miscellaneous manuscript items. When the collection was microfilmed, these materials were bound in 65 chronologically-arranged volumes, followed by the two volumes of undated manuscripts. All of the volumes have since been disbound and the papers filed into one chronological sequence.

Volume 1 (1705-1783) contains papers from the early period of Jefferson's life, including some family material from before his birth, estate accounts following the death of his father Peter Jefferson, and legal notes from Thomas Jefferson's early law career. Volumes 2-7 (1784-1789) contain papers covering Jefferson's service as minister to France, including letters of introduction, letters from Maria Cosway, Congressional documents naming him to his post, weather reports, and many accounts and bills from his stay in France.

Volumes 8-12 (1790-1793) contain papers covering Jefferson's service as secretary of state, including letters from Jefferson to his daughters at Monticello and many promissory notes demonstrating the degree of his indebtedness. Volumes 13-14 (1794-1799) cover the years following Jefferson's resignation from the cabinet and, beginning in 1797, his years as vice president under John Adams. Documents before 1797 include many notes on Monticello. This period also marks the beginning of Jefferson's correspondence with Tadeusz Kosciuszko, whom he attempted to assist in business matters.

Volumes 15-23 (1800-1804) contain papers covering Jefferson's first presidential term. Among the official papers are messages to Congress and letters to members of his cabinet. Other documents include a list of people entertained by the president at Monticello in 1803-1804. Volumes 24-32 (1805-1808) contain papers covering Jefferson's second presidential term, including communications with Congress; political letters to the Tammany Society, the Republicans of New Jersey, and the city of Boston; and a list of the vote to repeal the Embargo Act. Volumes 33-65 (1809-1826) cover the years following Jefferson's retirement from political life. From Monticello, Jefferson continued his correspondence with Tadeusz Kosciuszko, made peace with former rival John Adams, and corresponded with fellow Republicans, including Presidents Madison and Monroe.

The two undated volumes on Reel 13 contain miscellaneous manuscript material arranged in no particular order. Among the papers are drawings, fragments of letters, fragmentary memoranda concerning Monticello, and business and calling cards from trips abroad. Also included is Jefferson's 1789 Catalog of Books (the actual document is undated) listing books he purchased while serving as minister plenipotentiary in France between 1785 and 1789. The Thomas Jefferson Papers: An Electronic Archive contains digital images and a detailed description of the 1789 Catalog of Books.

See also Series II (Unbound manuscripts) and Series III (Manuscript additions) for additional correspondence and other manuscripts. Each series is arranged in a separate chronological sequence.

Reel 1


Note: The microfilm incorrectly identifies the contents of Reel 1 as "n.d.-1788." The undated material can be found on Reel 13.

Reel 2


Reel 3


Reel 4


Reel 5


Reel 6


Reel 7


Reel 8


Reel 9


Reel 10


Reel 11


Reel 12


Reel 13

Undated manuscripts

II. Unbound manuscripts, 1776-1827

Arranged chronologically.

See also Series I (Correspondence) and Series III (Manuscript additions) for additional correspondence and other manuscripts. Each series is arranged in a separate chronological sequence.

Reel 13

1776-18 May 1810

Reel 14

20 May 1810-1827 and undated

Note: The microfilm contains no descriptive information separating Series II (Unbound manuscripts) and Series III (Manuscript additions).

III. Manuscript additions, 1765-1826

Arranged chronologically.

This series consists of Thomas Jefferson Coolidge III's 1957 gift of 282 manuscripts, primarily correspondence between Jefferson, his two daughters Martha and Maria, and their husbands; and correspondence between Jefferson and his business agents. Individual items in this series are identified in the MHS card catalog with the location "Jefferson*." Note: On the microfilm, papers for the year 1788 follow papers dated 1826.

See also Series I (Correspondence) and Series II (Unbound manuscripts) for additional correspondence and other manuscripts. Each series is arranged in a separate chronological sequence.

Reel 14

IV. Other volumes, 1766-1824Digital Content

Reel 15

Garden book, 1766-1824

Jefferson's garden book, together with his farm book (below), contains detailed records of his estates, including notes on horticulture and agriculture and Jefferson's calculations and observations on construction.

The Thomas Jefferson Papers: An Electronic Archive contains digital images and a detailed description of this item.

Reel 15

Legal papers, 1770-1772

Reel 15

Memorandum book, 1771

This and the following three memorandum books consist of manuscript pages bound with published almanacs. Note: All four memorandum books are located on the microfilm following the target "Almanacs, 1771-1776."

Reel 15

Memorandum book, 1772

Reel 15

Memorandum book, 1774

Memorandum book, 1776-1778

Reel 15

Farm book, 1774-1824

Jefferson's farm book, together with his garden book (above), contains detailed records of his estates, including notes on horticulture and agriculture and Jefferson's calculations and observations on construction.

The Thomas Jefferson Papers: An Electronic Archive contains digital images and a detailed description of this item.

Reel 15

Manuscript copy of the Declaration of Independence, 1776 [incomplete]

This manuscript copy of the Declaration of Independence, one of several in Jefferson's hand circulated to his friends, represents the text as originally drafted by the Committee of Five, before revision by Congress. Note: Although the Declaration of Independence is included on this microfilm, it is not a part of the Coolidge Collection.

The Thomas Jefferson Papers: An Electronic Archive contains digital images and a detailed description of this item.

Reel 15

Law treatises, 1778-1788

Reel 15

Manuscript of Notes on the State of Virginia, [1781-1785]

This manuscript of Notes on the State of Virginia, Jefferson's only extended published work, contains information on the natural history, resources, and institutions of Virginia, as well as many of Jefferson's own thoughts and theories. The manuscript is comprised of 142 full-size pages and 63 partial-page attachments (which were affixed to the full-size pages with sealing wax). The full pages include some "fair copy pages" (full-length manuscript pages Jefferson created when he copied a previous draft by hand), as well as some full-page additions. Smaller pieces of paper--partial pages--allowed Jefferson to further expand and/or revise his text. Some of the partial-page additions were additions to the running text, while other partial-page additions replaced sections of text.

The Thomas Jefferson Papers: An Electronic Archive contains digital images and a detailed description of this item. The manuscript of Notes that appears on Reel 15 is the manuscript used by generations of scholars. In 1977, when this microfilm was made, the manuscript was in a non-original binding, and the images on the microfilm depict tightly bound facing pages and show the partial-page attachments in position within the text. The front and back of each hinged attachment was filmed, and many of the hinged attachments were filmed with blank sheets of paper inserted to allow the distinction of the paper's edges. (The previous microfilm edition, made in 1944, didn't consistently film the front and back of each hinged attachment.) The original manuscript was thoroughly conserved in 1999, and shortly thereafter, each manuscript component was digitized. The manuscript that appears online includes images of passages of text that had formerly been obscured by revisions attached to the pages by Jefferson. To view the complete manuscript and all its components, use the online version at: For a complete explanation of the manuscript, see:

Reel 15

Loose memoranda related to Notes on the State of Virginia

Loose documents, filmed at the end of the manuscript, are available online at:

Account book, 1783-1790

Note: This volume is identified on the shelf as "Memorandum Book, 1783-1790."

Reel 16

Bank book, 1783

Reel 16

Translation of Volney's Ruins, 1801

This manuscript consists of Jefferson's translation of 12 chapters of Les Ruins, ou Meditation sur les Revolutions des Empires, by the French philosopher and parliamentarian Constantin Francois Chassebouef, Comte de Volney.

Reel 16

Parliamentary law, 1801?

Weather recordings, 1782-1826; bulk: 1802-1816

Note: This volume is identified on the shelf and on the microfilm as "Weather, 1802-1816."

Reel 16

Expenses, 1804-1826

Note: This volume is identified on the shelf as "Memorandum Book, 1804-1826" and on the microfilm as "Expenses, 1804-1820."

Reel 16

1783 Catalog of Books, [ca. 1775-1812]

This catalog consists of a list of books that Jefferson sold to the Library of Congress in 1815. Although the list is believed to have been started around 1775, it is commonly called the "1783 Catalog." It contains over 2,460 original entries with additions totaling more than 6,000 by 1815. The books are classified according to a system Jefferson developed based on Francis Bacon's The Advancement of Learning. Jefferson's system, in turn, was used by the Library of Congress in its original classification scheme. Note: On the microfilm, this catalog is identified as: "Catalogue of Jefferson's Library."

The Thomas Jefferson Papers: An Electronic Archive contains digital images and a detailed description of this item.

Enclosed with the catalog of books are several loose booklists, including one created by Jefferson as a way of inventorying and grouping the books he received from the estate of George Wythe. The document is undated but was created by Jefferson around September 1806. The first five pages of the Wythe list consist of books listed under separate headings representing the names of people to whom Jefferson intended to give the books. The final three pages contain a list of books that Jefferson retained for his personal collection. Digital images of the Wythe list can be found at:

V. Architectural drawings, ca. 1772-1819

This series consists of 396 items comprised of more than 600 manuscript pages. Some items are single sheets with drawings on one or both sides, but many items are multipage and are comprised of notes with small sketches or just manuscript notes. About half of the items are plans and notes for Jefferson's home, Monticello, but the series also contains plans of his other homes, such as his Paris apartments; sketches for friends' homes; and "public" drawings for municipal and civic institutions, including the University of Virginia, Capitol buildings for Washington and Richmond, the President's House, and the governor's residences at Williamsburg and Richmond. Also included are some 40 sketches of miscellaneous household objects and machines. Most of the drawings were done by Jefferson himself, but the series also contains 30 drawings by other individuals, ranging from a design for the Washington Treasury Office by George Hadfield to sketches for timbers of a barn in an unknown hand.

The Jefferson architectural drawings are not included on the microfilm edition of the Coolidge Collection. The Thomas Jefferson Papers: An Electronic Archive contains digital images and detailed descriptions of these items. Online presentations of all items are also available from this collection guide. Expand each section below to see the links.

Four different numbering systems have been applied to the architectural drawings at different times, and all of these numbers are included below. The "K" (or Kimball) numbers were assigned by Fiske Kimball when he published 233 drawings in 1916. The "N" (or Nichols) numbers were assigned by Frederick Doveton Nichols for his 1960 publication. Some drawings were given "M" numbers after they were acquired by the MHS, but the origin of these numbers is unclear. Previously unnumbered drawings were assigned "MHi" numbers in the 1990s.


Ampthill: house (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1815. N2; K203.

Box M-1

N2; K203, recto

Box M-1

N2; K203, verso


Box S-1

Annapolis: Hammond-Harwood House, 1 page, 1783-1784. N1; K107.

Box S-1

Annapolis: Hammond-Harwood house, 1 page, [1783-1784]. N527; M10.


Box S-1

Barboursville: house (elevation), 1 page, 1817. N4; K205.

Barboursville: house (plan and elevation), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1817. N5; K206


N5; K206, recto


N5; K206, verso


Box S-1

Edgehill: house (plan and elevation), 1 page, before 1798. N6; K170.


Box S-1

Edgemont: house (plan and elevation), 1 page, circa 1803-1806. N7; K171.

Box S-1

Edgemont: house (plan), 1 page, circa 1803-1806. N8; K172.

Box M-1

Edgemont: house (plan), 1 page, circa 1803-1806. N9; K173.

Box M-1

Edgemont: basement (plan), 1 page, circa 1803-1806. N10; K174.


Box S-1

Farmington: house (elevation), 1 page, 1802 or earlier. N13; K182.

Box S-1

Farmington: house (plan), 1 page, 1802 or earlier. N14; K183.

Box S-1

Farmington: house (study plan), 1 page, 1802 or earlier. N15; K184.


Box S-1

Louisville: house (study plans), 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably before 1810. N19; K189.

Reminder: physically associated with N20
Box S-1

Louisville: house (study plans), 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably before 1810. N20; K190.

Reminder: physically associated with N19
Box M-1

Louisville: house (study plan), 1 page, undated. N21; K191.

Box M-1

Louisville: house (study plan), 1 page, circa 1804. N22; K192.


Box M-1

Maysville: Court House (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1821. N23; K214.

Reminder: physically associated with N24
Box M-1

Maysville: Court House, 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1821. N24; K215

Reminder: physically associated with N23

Mills and canals

Box S-6

Mills and canals: [grist?] mill, 1 page, undated. MHi19.

Box S-5

Mills and canals: mill plan, 1 page, [circa 1800]. N471; K169n.

Mills and canals: crib plan, 1 sheet, 2 pages, [circa 1805-1809]. N472; K169o.

Box M-3

N472; K169o, recto

Box M-3

N472; K169o, verso

Box S-5

Mills and canals: crib framing, 1 page, [circa 1805-1809]. N473; K169p.

Box S-5

Mills and canals: mill shed, 1 page, [circa 1809-1810]. N475; K169r.

Mills and canals: canal locks, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N476; K169s.

Box S-5

N476; K169s, recto

Box S-5

N476; K169s, verso

Box M-3

Mills and canals: grist mill, 1 page, [1793]. N477; K169t.

Box M-3

Mills and canals: mill plan and section, 1 page, [1793]. N478; K169u.

Box S-5

Mills and canals: mill plan, 1 page, undated. N479; K169v. N479; K169v.

Box S-5

Mills and canals: mill section, 1 page, undated. N480; K169w.

Box S-5

Mills and canals: [grist?] mill, 1 page, circa 1793-1817. N481; K169x.

Box S-5

Mills and canals: timber piers, 1 page, undated. N482; K169y.

Mills and canals: timber piers, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N483; K169z.

Box S-5

N483; K169z, recto

Box S-5

N483; K169z, verso


Mills and canals: canal locks, 1 page, undated. N484; K169aa.


Mills and canals: canal locks, 1 page, undated. N484; K169aa.

Miscellaneous Buildings

Box S-6

Miscellaneous Buildings: prison (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. MHi10.

Box S-6


Box S-6


Box S-6

Miscellaneous Buildings: dome roofing, 1 page, undated. MHi11.

Box S-6

Miscellaneous Buildings: chimney flues, 1 sheet, 2 pages undated. MHi12.

Box S-6


Box S-6


Box S-6

Miscellaneous Buildings: structure with skylight, 1 page, undated. MHi18.

Box M-2

Miscellaneous Buildings: district college (plan), 1 page, 1817. N299.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: arch bridge (elevation), 1 page, [1826]. N430; K231o.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: quadrangle and buildings, 1 page, undated. N431; K231p.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: Exchange building (plan), 1 page, undated. N439.

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1769]. N446; K1.

Box S-4

N446; K1, recto

Box S-4

N446; K1, verso

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N447; K2.

Box S-4

N447; K2, recto

Box S-4

N447; K2, verso

Box S-4

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (plan), 1 page, [1769]. N448; K3.

Miscellaneous Buildings: house and service areas (study), 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably 1783-1784. N449; K108. and N449bis; K108bis.

Reminder: N449bis; K108bis is attached at the bottom of N449; K108.
Box S-4

N449; K108

Box S-4

N449bis; K108bis.

Box S-4

N449; K108 and N449bis; K108bis

Box S-4

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plan), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N450; K219.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: houses (study plans), 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1789-1794]. N451; K220.

Reminder: physically associated with N452
Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1789-1794]. N452; K221.

Reminder: physically associated with N451
Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plan), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N453; K222.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plans), 1 page, [1789-1790]. N454; K223.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plan), 1 page, [1789-1790]. N455; K224.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plan), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N456; K225.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plans), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N457; K226.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plan), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N458; K227.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plans), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N459; K228.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plan), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N460; K229.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plan), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N461; K230.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (study plan), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N462; K231.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: house (sketch plan), 1 page, undated. N463; K231a.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: houses and barn (plans), 1 page, [circa 1809-1810]. N466; K197e.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: Timberlake house (plan), 1 page, 1831. N467; K231q.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: Timberlake house (plan), 1 page, 1831. N468; K231r.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: log building (plan), 1 page, undated. N469.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: barn and shed, 1 page, [circa 1809-1810]. N474; N530; K169q; M4.

Note: This drawing has two different Nichols numbers: N474 and N530; it appears that Nichols numbered the same drawing twice.
Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: prison (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N488.

Box S-5


Box S-5


Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: retreat (study plans), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N490; K217.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Buildings: retreat (study plans), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N491; K218.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: retreat (plan), 1 page, [1789-1794]. N492; K216.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: pavilion/retreat (plan), 1 page, [1794]. N493; K133.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: pavillion/retreat (notes), 1 page, [1794]. N494; K134.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: pavilion/retreat (notes), 1 page, [1794]. N495; K135.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: pavilions (plans), 1 page, undated. N503; K231b.

Box S-5

Miscellaneous Buildings: roofing instructions, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N529; M8.

Miscellaneous Gardens


Miscellaneous Gardens: plan, 1 page, undated. N441; K231n.

Miscellaneous Land Surveys

Box S-6

Miscellaneous Land Surveys: survey notes, 1 page, undated. MHi14.

Box S-6

Miscellaneous Land Surveys: survey notes, 1 sheet, 2 pages undated. MHi15.

Box S-6

MHi15, recto

Box S-6

MHi15, verso

Box S-6

Miscellaneous Land Surveys: Ochiltree tract (plat), 1 page, undated. MHi25.

Box M-3

Miscellaneous Land Surveys: head of St. Lawrence (plat), 1 sheet, 2 pages undated. MHi26.

Box M-3

MHi26, recto

Box M-3

MHi26, verso

Box S-6

Miscellaneous Land Surveys: rivers and mountains (plat), 1 page, undated. MHi27.

Box S-6

Miscellaneous Land Surveys: Natural Bridge (plat), 1 sheet, 2 pages undated. MHi28.

Box S-6

MHi28, recto

Box S-6

MHi28, verso


Box S-6

Monticello: hall lantern, 1 page, undated. K149gg.

Box S-6

Monticello: pediments and benches, 1 page, undated. K149hh.

Box S-6

Monticello: alabaster vase, 1 page, undated. K149ii.

Box S-6

Monticello: gate, stove, 1 page, undated. K149jj.

Box S-6

Monticello: library layout and step ladder, 1 page, undated. MHi3.

Box S-6

Monticello: tract boundaries, 1 page, circa 1796 - 1802. MHi13.

Box S-6

[Monticello]: work memo, 1 sheet, 2 pages undated. MHi20.

Box S-6

MHi20, recto

Box S-6

MHi20, verso

Box S-6

[Monticello]: work memo, 1 sheet, 2 pages undated. MHi21.

Box S-6

MHi21, recto

Box S-6

MHi21, verso

Box S-6

[Monticello]: building notes, 1 sheet, 2 pages undated. MHi22.

Box S-6

MHi22, recto

Box S-6

MHi22, verso

Box S-1

Monticello: 1st version (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably 1767; definitely before Feb. 1770. N25; K4.

Box S-1

N25; K4, recto

Box S-1

N25; K4, verso

Box S-1

Monticello: 1st version (study plan), 1 page, before 1770. N26; K119.

Box S-1

Monticello: house (study plan), 1 page, 1768-1770. N27; K5.

Box S-1

Monticello: 1st version (plan), 1 page, 1768-1770. N28; K6.

Box S-1

Monticello: 1st version plan, 1 page, 1768-1770. N29; K7.

Box S-1

Monticello: dependencies (study plans), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1768-1770. N30; K8.

Box S-1

N30; K8, recto

Box S-1

N30; K8, verso

Box S-1

Monticello: dependencies (study plan), 1 page, 1768-1770. N31; K9.

Box M-1

Monticello: dependencies (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1768-1770. N32; K10.

Box M-1

N32; K10, recto

Box M-1

N32; K10, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: first version (study plan), 1 page, 1768-1770. N33; K11.

Box M-1

Monticello: mountaintop layout (study), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1768-1770. N34; K12.

Reminder: physically associated with N61
Box S-1

Monticello: pavilion (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1768-1770. N35; K13.

Box S-1

N35; K13, recto

Box S-1

N35; K13, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: pavilions (study plans), 1 page, 1768-1770. N36; K14.

Box S-1

Monticello: dining room (plan), 1 page, 1768-1770. N37; K15.

Box S-1

Monticello: stone house (slave quarters), 1 sheet, 2 pages, September 1770. N38; K16.

Reminder: physically associated with N55
Box S-1

Monticello: stone house (study plan), 1 page, September 1770. N39; K17.

Box M-1

Monticello: 1st version (study plan), 1 page, 1768-1770. N40; K18.


Monticello: 1st version (elevation study), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1768-1770. N41; K19.

Reminder: physically associated with N72

Monticello: exterior doors (study), 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1770. N42; K20.

Reminder: physically associated with N43

Monticello: cellars (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably from 1770. N43; K21; M27.

Reminder: physically associated with N42

Monticello: cellar floor (plan),1 sheet, 2 pages probably early 1771. N44; K22.


N44; K22, recto


N44; K22, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: 1st version (elevation), 1 page, probably before March 1771. N48; K23.


Monticello: 1st floor of 1st version (plan), 1 page, probably before March 1771. N49; K24.

Box S-1

Monticello: main stairs, 1 page, probably 1771. N50; K25.

Box S-1

Monticello: main stairs, 1 page, probably 1771. N51; K26.

Box S-1

Monticello: 2nd version (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably 1770 and early 1771. N52; K27.

Reminder: physically associated with N53
Box S-1

Monticello: 2nd version (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably 1770 and early 1771. N53; K28.

Reminder: physically associated with N52
Box S-1

Monticello: 2nd version (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably 1770 and early 1771. N54; K29.

Box S-1

N54; K29, recto

Box S-1

N54; K29, verso

Box S-1

Monticello: dependencies (study plans), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1771 or 1772. N55; K30.

Reminder: physically associated with N38

Monticello: dependencies (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages before 4 August 1772. N56; K31.


N56; K31, recto


N56; K31, verso


Monticello: 1st floor and dependencies (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages before 4 August 1772. N57; K32.


N57; K32, recto


N57; K32, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: dependencies (cross-section), 1 sheet, 2 pages, before 4 August 1772. N60; K33.

Box M-1

N60; K33, recto

Box M-1

N60; K33, verso

Box S-1

Monticello: mountaintop layout (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, before May 1768. N61; K34.

Reminder: physically associated with N34
Box S-1

Monticello: garden temple, 1 page, circa 1779-1781. N62; K35.

Box S-1

Monticello: garden temple, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N63; K36.

Box S-1

N63; K36, recto

Box S-1

N63; K36, verso

Box S-1

Monticello: garden temple, 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1770-1771. N64; K37.

Box S-1

N64; K37, recto

Box S-1

N64; K37, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: observation tower, 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably 1771. N65; K38.

Box M-1

N65; K38, recto

Box M-1

N65; K38, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: observation tower, 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1771. N66; K39.

Box M-1

N66; K39, recto

Box M-1

N66; K39, verso

Box S-1

Monticello: chinese lattice gate, 1 page, 1771. N67; K39a.

Box M-1

Monticello: moldings, 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1775]. N68; K39b.

Box M-1

N68; K39b, recto

Box M-1

N68; K39b, verso


Monticello: architectural detail (external lower order), 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1775]. N69; K40.

Reminder: physically associated with N70

Monticello: architectural detail (external entablature), 1 sheet, 2 pages,[1775]. N70; K41.

Reminder: physically associated with N69

Monticello: arch. detail (external upper order), 1 page, 1775. N71; K42.


Monticello: arch. details (dining room), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1775 or later. N72; K43.

Reminder: physically associated with N41

Monticello: dining room cornice (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1775 or later. N73; K44.

Reminder: physically associated with N74

Monticello: dining room cornice (elevation), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1775 or later. N74; K45.

Reminder: physically associated with N73

Monticello: arch. detail (study), 1 page, 1775 or later. N75; K46.


Monticello: arch. detail (study), 1 sheet, 2 pages 1775 or later. N76; K47.


N76; K47, recto


N76; K47, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: arch. detail (window), 1 page, [1775]. N77; K48.

Box S-1

Monticello: stair balusters (details), 1 page, [1775]. N78; K49.

Box S-1

Monticello: dado cap, 1 page, 1775 or later. N79; K50.

Box S-1

Monticello: dado base, 1 page, 1775 or later. N80; K51.


Monticello: arch. detail (chimneys), 1 page, 1775 or later. N81; K52.

Box M-1

Monticello: chimney mold, 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1775 or later. N82; K53.

Box M-1

N82; K53, recto

Box M-1

N82; K53, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: pedestal base, 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1775 or later. N83; K54.

Box M-1

N83; K54, recto

Box M-1

N83; K54, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: attic framing, 1 page, 1775 or later. N84; K55.

Box S-1

Monticello: outbuildings and garden (early study),1 sheet, 2 pages circa 1776. N85; K55a.

Box S-1

N85; K55a, recto

Box S-1

N85; K55a, verso

Box S-1

Monticello: south and north outhouses, 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1776-1778. N86; K55b.

Box S-1

N86; K55b, recto

Box S-1

N86; K55b, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: outbuildings and garden (study), 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1776-1778. N87; K56.

Reminder: physically associated with N88
Box M-1

Monticello: outbuildings (notes), 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1776-1778. N88; K57.

Reminder: physically associated with N87
Box S-1

Monticello: servants' quarters (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1778. N89; K58.

Box S-1

N89; K58, recto

Box S-1

N89; K58, verso

Box S-1

Monticello: servants' quarters (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1778. N90; K59.

Box S-1

N90; K59, recto

Box S-1

N90; K59, verso

Box S-1

Monticello: ionic portico and dome, 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably 1778. N91; K62.

Box S-1

N91; K62, recto

Box S-1

N91; K62, verso

Box S-1

Monticello: pigeon house, 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably 1778. N92; K63.

Box S-1

N92; K63, recto

Box S-1

N92; K63, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: castellated tower, 1 page, [1778]. N93; K64.

Box M-1

Monticello: arch. detail (columns for temples), 1 page, 1776-1778. N94; K65.

Box M-1

Monticello: arch. detail (columns for temples), 1 page, 1776-1778. N95; K66.

Box M-1

Monticello: arch. detail (porticos), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1776-1778. N96; K67.

Box M-1

N96; K67, recto

Box M-1

N96; K67, verso

Monticello: building notebook, 52 pages, 1770-1778. N97-N121; K69-K92.

Box S-2

Page 1, N97; K68

Box S-2

Page 2, N98; K69

Box S-2

Page 3, N99; K70

Box S-2

Page 4, N100; K71

Box S-2

Page 5, N101; K72

Box S-2

Page 6, N102; K73

Box S-2

Page 7, N103; K74

Box S-2

Page 8, N104; K75

Box S-2

Page 9, N105; K76

Box S-2

Page 10, N106; K77

Box S-2

Page 11, N107; K78

Box S-2

Page 12, N108; K79

Box S-2

Pages 13-14, blank, N108.1

Box S-2

Page 15, N109; K80

Box S-2

Page 16, N110; K81

Box S-2

Page 17, N111; K82

Box S-2

Page 18, blank, N111.1

Box S-2

Page 19, N112; K83

Box S-2

Pages 20-38, blank, N112.1

Box S-2

Page 39, N113; K84

Box S-2

Page 40, blank, N113.1

Box S-2

Page 41, N113.2

Box S-2

Page 42, blank N113.3

Box S-2

Page 43, N114; K85

Box S-2

Page 44, blank N114.1

Box S-2

Page 45, N115; K86

Box S-2

Page 46, blank N115.1

Box S-2

Page 47, N116; K87

Box S-2

Page 48, N117; K88

Box S-2

Page 49, N118; K89

Box S-2

Page 50, N119; K90

Box S-2

Page 51, N120; K91

Box S-2

Page 52, N121; K92

Box S-2

Monticello: doric order details, 1 page, [before 1775]. N122; K93.

Box S-2

Monticello: drawing octagons, 1 page, [1771]. N123; K94.

Box S-2

Monticello: fireplaces, 1 page, [1771]. N124; K94a.


Monticello: orchard (plat), 1 sheet, 2 pages[1776-1778]. N127; K94b.


N127; K94b, recto


N127; K94b, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: oval lawn (plat), 1 page, [1778]. N128; K94c.

Box M-1

Monticello: timber zone (plat), 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1778]. N129; K94d.

Box M-1

N129; K94d, recto

Box M-1

N129; K94d, verso


Monticello: timber zone (plat), 1 page, [1778]. N130; K94e.

Box S-2

Monticello: south field (plat), 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1778]. N131; K94f.

Box S-2

N131; K94f, recto

Box S-2

N131; K94f, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: south field (plat), 1 page, [1778]. N132; K94g.

Box M-1

Monticello: building insurance, 1 manuscript sheet attached to a printed sheet, 2 pages, 1796. N133; K136.

Box M-1

N133; K136, recto

Box M-1

N133; K136, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: 1st floor of 2nd version (plan), 1 page, [1796]. N135; K150.

Box M-1

Monticello: house and grounds (study), 1 page, [1785-1789]. N136; K138.

Box S-2

Monticello: 2nd version (study plan), 1 sheet, 2pages, [1794-1795]. N137; K139.

Additional information: drawing made on back of partial letter written in Italian.
Box S-2

N137; K139, recto

Box S-2

N137; K139, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: 2nd version (study), 1 page, [1794-1795]. N138; K140.

Monticello: remodelling notebook, 20 pages, [1794-1797]. N139-146; K142-149.

Box S-2

Page 1, N139; K142

Box S-2

Page 1a, attachment, N139; K142

Box S-2

Page 2, N139; K142

Box S-2

Page 3, N139; K142

Box S-2

Page 4, N139; K142

Box S-2

Page 5, N139; K142

Box S-2

Page 6, N139; K142

Box S-2

Page 7, N140; K143

Box S-2

Page 8, N141; K144

Box S-2

Page 9, N142; K145

Box S-2

Page 10, N143; K146

Box S-2

Page 11, N144; K147

Box S-2

Page 12, blank N144; K147

Box S-2

Page 13, N144; K147

Box S-2

Page 14, N145; K148

Box S-2

Page 15, recto of attachment in place, N145; K148

Box S-2

Page 15a, verso of attachment, N145; K148

Box S-2

Page 16, N146; K149

Box S-2

Page 17, N146; K149

Box S-2

Page 18, N146; K149

Box S-2

Page 19, N146; K149

Box S-2

Page 20, N146; K149

Monticello: remodelling notes, 2 sheets, 4 pages, [before 1789]. N147a; K149a.

Box S-2

Page 1, N147a; K149a.

Box S-2

Page 2, N147a; K149a.

Box S-2

Page 3, N147a; K149a.

Box S-2

Page 4, N147a; K149a.

Monticello: remodelling notes, 12 pages (originally 16), [begun 1796]. N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Page 1, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Page 2, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Pages 3-4, blank,

Box S-2

Page 5, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Page 6, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Page 7, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Page 8, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Pages 9-10, blank,

Box S-2

Page 11, blank, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Page 12, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Page 13, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Page 14, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Page 15, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Page 16, N147b; K149b.

Box S-2

Monticello: piazza, 1 page, [1796]. N147c; K149c.

Box S-2

Monticello: curve of dome, 1 page, [1796]. N147d; K149d.

Box S-2

Monticello: arches, 1 page, [circa 1803]. N147e; K149e.

Box S-2

Monticello: architectural details (dining room), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1803. N147f; K149f.

Box S-2

N147f; K149f, recto

Box S-2

N147f; K149f, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: curtains, 1 page, [1803 or earlier]. N147g; K149g.

Box S-2

Monticello: curtains, 1 sheet, 2 pages, [circa 1803]. N147h; K149h.

Box S-2

N147h; K149h, recto

Box S-2

N147h; K149h, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: curtains, 1 sheet, 2 pages, [circa 1804]. N147i; K149i.

Box S-2

N147i; K149i, recto

Box S-2

N147i; K149i, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: ornaments and mouldings, 1 page, 4 June 1804. N147j; K149j.

Box S-2

Monticello: work memo, 1 page, 24 September 1804. N147k; K149k.

Box S-2

Monticello: work memo, 1 sheet, 2 pages, 24 September 1804. N147l; K149l.

Box S-2

N147l; K149l, recto

Box S-2

N147l; K149l, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: work memo, 1 page, 1804. N147m; K149m.

Box S-2

Monticello: work memo, 1 page, 24 September 1804. N147n; K149n.

Box S-2

Monticello: southern piazza sashes, 1 page, 1805. N147o; K149o.

Box S-2

Monticello: venetian blinds, 1 sheet, 2 pages, 24 March 1805. N147p; K149p.

Box S-2

N147p; K149p, recto

Box S-2

N147p; K149p, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: venetian blinds, 1 page, [1805]. N147q; K149q.

Box S-2

Monticello: venetian blinds, 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1805]. N147r; K149r.

Box S-2

N147r; K149r, recto

Box S-2

N147r; K149r, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: venetian blinds, 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1805]. N147s; K149s.

Box S-2

N147s; K149s, recto

Box S-2

N147s; K149s, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: locks and hinges, 1 page, 3 September 1805. N147t; K149t.

Box S-2

Monticello: work memo, 1 page, 29 September 1805. N147u; K149u.

Box S-2

Monticello: mantels, 1 page, 1805. N147v; K149v.

Box S-2

Monticello: passage arches, 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1806. N147w; K149w.

Additional note about extent: page 2 includes small attachment.
Box S-2

N147w; K149w, recto

Box S-2

N147w; K149w, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: copper, 1 page, 20 September 1806. N147x; K149x.

Box S-2

Monticello: pedestal, 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1816]. N147y; K149y.

Box S-2

N147y; K149y, recto

Box S-2

N147y; K149y, verso

Box S-2

[Monticello]: north portico, 1 page, 1823. N147z; K149z.

Box S-2

Monticello: terrace parapets, 1 sheet, 2 pages, February 1824. N147aa; K149aa.

Box S-2

N147aa; K149aa, recto

Box S-2

N147aa; K149aa, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: terrace parapets, 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1824. N147bb; K149bb.

Box S-2

N147bb; K149bb, recto

Box S-2

N147bb; K149bb, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: balustrade, 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1824. N147cc; K149cc.

Box S-2

N147cc; K149cc, recto

Box S-2

N147cc; K149cc, verso

Box S-2

Monticello: wire screens, 1 page, [after 1801]. N147dd; K149dd.

Box S-2

Monticello: wire screens, 1 page, [after 1801]. N147ee; K149ee.

Box S-2

Monticello: portico and terrace benches, 1 sheet, 2 pages, after 1801. N147ff; K149ff.

Box S-2

N147ff; K149ff, recto

Box S-2

N147ff; K149ff, verso

Box S-3

Monticello: letter and garden/flowerbeds (layout), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 7 June 1807. N147gg; M15.

Box S-3

N147gg; M15, recto

Box S-3

N147gg; M15, verso

Box S-3

[Monticello]: furniture (writing desk), 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N147hh; M12.

Box S-3

N147hh; M12, recto

Box S-3

N147hh; M12, verso

Box S-3

Monticello: outbuilding (study), 1 sheet (fragment), 2 pages, [before 1770]. N147ii.

Box S-3

N147ii, recto

Box S-3

N147ii, verso

Monticello: furniture inventory, 4 sheets, 8 pages, [after 1826]. N147jj.

Box S-3

Front cover, N147jj

Box S-3

Page 1, N147jj

Box S-3

Page 2, N147jj

Box S-3

Page 3, N147jj

Box S-3

Page 4, N147jj

Box S-3

Page 5, N147jj

Box S-3

Page 6, N147jj

Box S-3

Page 7, N147jj

Box S-3

Page 8, N147jj

Box S-3

Back cover, N147jj

Box S-6

Monticello: document [by Alex Garrett] referring to inventory, 1 sheet, 2 pages, 4 October 1826. N147kk; M22.

Box S-6

N147kk; M22, recto

Box S-6

N147kk; M22, verso

Box S-3

Monticello: lead for sash weights, 1 page, undated. N147ll; K149ll.

Box M-1

Monticello: window jamb (cross-section), 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1796]. N148; K157.

Box M-1

N148; K157, recto

Box M-1

N148; K157, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: sectional drawings, 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1796]. N149; K151.

Box M-1

N149; K151, recto

Box M-1

N149; K151, verso

Box M-1

Monticello: dependencies (plan), 1 page, [1796]. N150; K152.

Box M-1

Monticello: lodge and greenhouse designs, 1 page, [1796]. N151; K153.

Box M-1

Monticello: roof framing (plan), 1 page, probably 1796-1799. N152; K154.

Box M-1

Monticello: 2nd version (west elevation) by Robert Mills, 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1803]. N154; K155.

Box M-1

N154; K155, recto

Box M-1

N154; K155, verso


Monticello: 2nd version (plan and west elevation), 1 page, [1803]. N155; K156.

Box M-1

Monticello: arch. details (chamber chimney), 1 page, circa 1803. N157; K160d.

Box M-1

Monticello: arch. detail (top of house), 1 page, [1803]. N158; K160e.


Monticello: arch. detail (top of house), 1 page, [1803]. N159; K160f.

Box M-1

Monticello: arch. details (parlour fireplace?), 1 page, circa 1803. N160; K160g.

Box M-1

Monticello: arch. details (parlour door), 1 page, circa 1803. N161; K160h.

Box M-1

Monticello: arch. details (dining room window), 1 page, circa 1803. N162; K160i.

Box M-1

Monticello: arch. details (clock), 1 page, circa 1803. N163; K160j.

Box M-1

Monticello: pedestal base, 1 page, circa 1803. N164; K160k.


Monticello: brick layout of passage windows, 1 page, circa 1803. N165; K160l.

Box M-1

[Monticello]: arch. detail (door), 1 page, probably 1803-1805. N166; K160m.

Box M-1

[Monticello]: parquet design (study), 1 page, [circa 1803]. N167; K160n.

Box S-3

[Monticello]: parquet design (study), 1 page, undated. N168; K160o.

Box S-3

[Monticello]: parquet designs (studies), 1 sheet, 2 pages[circa 1803]. N169; K160p.

Box S-3

N169; K160p, recto

Box S-3

N169; K160p, verso

Box S-3

[Monticello]: pedestal, 1 page, [circa 1803]. N170; K160q.

Monticello: notebook of improvements, 14 pages (pages 6, 8-14 are blank), 1804-1807. N171; K161 and K162.

Box S-2

Page 1, N171; K161 and K162.

Box S-2

Page 2, N171; K161 and K162.

Box S-2

Page 3, N171; K161 and K162.

Box S-2

Page 4, N171; K161 and K162.

Box S-2

Page 5, N171; K161 and K162.

Box S-2

Page 6, blank, N171; K161 and K162.

Box S-2

Page 7, N171; K161 and K162.

Box S-2

Pages 8-14, blank, N171; K161 and K162.

Box S-2

Monticello: bow window (plan), 1 page, [circa 1805]. N172; K154a.


Monticello: arch. detail (parlor), 1 page, circa 1805. N173; K158.

Box M-2

Monticello: entablature modillion, 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1805. N174; K159.

Box M-2

N174; K159, recto

Box M-2

N174; K159, verso


Monticello: arch. detail (hall), 1 page, circa 1805. N175; K160.


Monticello: arch. detail (north bow),1 sheet, 2 pages circa 1805. N176; K160a.


N176; K160a, recto


N176; K160a, verso


Monticello: arch. detail (dome room), 1 sheet, 2 pages circa 1805. N177; K160b.


N177; K160b, recto


N177; K160b, verso

Box M-2

Monticello: dining room arch, 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1805. N178; K160c.

Box M-2

N178; K160c, recto

Box M-2

N178; K160c, verso

Box S-3

[Monticello]: garden pavilion, 1 sheet, 2 pages undated. N181; K163.

Box S-3

N181; K163, recto

Box S-3

N181; K163, verso

Monticello: garden pavilions and notes on styles of architecture (removed from farm book), 2 sheets, 3 pages, circa 1807-1809. N182; K164.

Box S-3

Page 1, N182; K164

Box S-3

Page 2, N182; K164

Box S-3

Page 3, N182; K164

Box S-3

Monticello: tuscan monopteros, 1 sheet, 2 pages 1804 or later. N183; K164a.

Box S-3

N183; K164a, recto

Box S-3

N183; K164a, verso

Box S-3

Monticello: temple or portico, 1 page, 1807. N184; K165.

Box S-3

Monticello: north outchamber (plan), 1 page, circa 1803. N185; K166.

Box M-2

Monticello: north outchamber (plan), 1 page, circa 1803. N186; K167.

Box M-2

Monticello: tuscan base and capital, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N189.

Box M-2

N189, recto

Box M-2

N189, verso

Box S-3

Monticello: column, with notes, 1 page, undated. N190.

Box M-2

Monticello: Albemarle lands (plat), 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1788-1793. N193; K167a.

Box M-2

N193; K167a, recto

Box M-2

N193; K167a, verso

Box M-2

Monticello: east roads and fields (plat), 1 page, 15 October 1793. N194; K167b.

Box M-2

Monticello: east fields (plat), 1 page, probably from 1793. N195; K167c.

Monticello: survey notes, 20 pages, 1793-1795. N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 1, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 2, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 3, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 4, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 5, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 6, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 7, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 8, blank, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 9, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 10, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 11, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 12, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 13, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 14, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 15, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 16, blank, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 17, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Page 18, N196; K167d.

Box S-3

Pages 19-20, blank, N196; K167d.

Monticello: survey notes, Folio, 4 pages 1800. N198; K167g.

Box S-3

Page 1, N198; K167g.

Box S-3

Page 2, N198; K167g.

Box S-3

Page 3, N198; K167g.

Box S-3

Page 4, N198; K167g.

Box S-3

Monticello: surveyed land (plat), 1 page, [circa 1803]. N199; K167e.

Box S-3

Monticello: surveyed land (plat), 1 page, [circa 1803]. N200; K167f.

Box M-2

Monticello: surveyed land (plat), 1 page, circa 1803. N201; K167h.

Monticello: survey notes, Folio, 3 pages, (1 additional blank page), 1806. N203; K167i.

Box S-3

Page 1, N203; K167i.

Box S-3

Page 2, N203; K167i.

Box S-3

Page 3, N203; K167i.

Box M-2

Monticello: surveyed land (plat), 1 page, 1806. N204; K167j.

Box M-2

Monticello: surveyed land (plat), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1806. N205; K167k.

Box M-2

N205; K167k, recto

Box M-2

N205; K167k, verso

Box M-2

Monticello: surveyed land (plat), 1 page, 1806. N206; K167l.

Box M-2

Monticello: Monticello-Montalto road (plat), 1 page, 1806. N207; K167m.

Box M-2

Monticello: thoroughfare (plat), 1 page, 1806. N208; K167n.

Box M-2

Monticello: estate lands (plat), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1806. N209; K168.

Box M-2

N209; K168, recto

Box M-2

N209; K168, verso

Box S-3

Monticello: surveyed lands (plats), 1 sheet, 2 pages 1809. N212; K168a.

Box S-3

N212; K168a, recto

Box S-3

N212; K168a, verso

Monticello: survey notes, 2 attached sheets (4 pages)1809. N213; K168b.

Box S-3

Page 1, N213; K168b.

Box S-3

Page 2, N213; K168b.

Box S-3

Page 3, N213; K168b.

Box S-3

Page 4, N213; K168b.

Box M-2

Monticello: 4th roundabout (plat), 1 page, 1808-1809. N214; K168c.

Box M-2

Monticello: 3rd roundabout (plat), 1 page, 1808-1809. N215; K168d.

Box M-2

Monticello: 2nd roundabout (plat), 1 page, 1808-1809. N216; K168e.

Box M-2

Monticello: Pasture and Belfield (plat), 1 page, 1808-1809. N217; K168f.

Box M-2

Monticello: surveyed land (plat), 1 page, 1808-1809. N218; K168g.

Box S-3

Monticello: courses to spring (plat),1 page,1808-1809. N219; K168h.

Box S-3

Monticello: 2nd roundabout and mulberry row (plat),1 page,1808-1809. N220; K168i.

Box S-3

Monticello: park (plat),1 page,1808-1809. N221; K168j.

Box S-3

Monticello: Belfield (plat), 1 sheet, 2 pages,1808-1809. N222; K168k.

Box S-3

N222; K168k, recto

Box S-3

N222; K168k, verso


Monticello: surveyed land (plat), 1 sheet, 2 pages 1808-1809. N223; K168l.


N223; K168l, recto


N223; K168l, verso

Box S-3

Monticello: re: 1808-9 surveys,1 sheet, 2 pages,1808-1809. N224; K168m.

Box S-3

N224; K168m, recto

Box S-3

N224; K168m, verso

Box M-2

Monticello: mountaintop (plat), 1 page, 1809. N225; K169.

Monticello: survey notes, 8 pages,1808. N226; K169a.

Box S-3

Page 1, N226; K169a.

Box S-3

Page 2, N226; K169a.

Box S-3

Page 3, N226; K169a.

Box S-3

Page 4, N226; K169a.

Box S-3

Page 5, N226; K169a.

Box S-3

Page 6, N226; K169a.

Box S-3

Page 7, N226; K169a.

Box S-3

Page 8, N226; K169a.

Box M-2

Monticello: surveyed land (plat), 1 page, 1808. N227; K169b.

Box S-3

Monticello: survey notes,1 sheet, 2 pages,1808. N228; K169c.

Box S-3

N228; K169c, recto

Box S-3

N228; K169c, verso

Monticello: survey notes, 2 pages, 2 additional blank pages, begun 31 January 1810. N229; K169d.

Box S-3

Page 1, N229; K169d.

Box S-3

Page 2, N229; K169d.

Box S-3

Monticello: re: crop rotation,1 page,undated. N230; K169e.

Box S-3

Monticello: roundabout and labyrinth, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N231; K169f.

Box S-3

N231; K169f, recto

Box S-3

N231; K169f, verso

Monticello: survey notes, 4 pages (2 and 4 are blank), undated. N232; K169g.

Box S-3

Page 1, N232; K169g.

Box S-3

Page 3, N232; K169g.

Box M-2

Monticello: south field (plat), 1 page, undated. N233; K169h.

Box S-3

Monticello: orchard and vineyard (plat),1 page,undated. N234; K169i.

Box S-3

Monticello: Riverfield (plat),1 page,undated. N235; K169j.

Box S-4

Monticello: surveyed land (plat), 1 page, undated. N236; K169k.

Box S-4

Monticello: field (plat), 1 page, undated. N237; K169l.

Box S-4

Monticello: mountain profile, 1 page, undated. N238; K169m.

Box S-4

[Monticello]: furniture, 1 page, undated. N440; K149kk.

Box M-3

Monticello: Northeast lawn/garden (plat), 1 page, after 1803. N528; M14.

Box S-5

Monticello: icehouse, coachrooms, etc., 1 page, undated. N540; M3.

Nelson County

Box S-4

[Nelson County]: prison cost estimate, 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1823. N239; K215a.

Box S-4

N239; K215a, recto

Box S-4

N239; K215a, verso

New York

Box M-2

New York: house (study plans), 1 page, 1790. N244; K121.


Box M-3

Objects: mech. device, 1 page, undated. M24.

Box M-3

Objects: nail cutting machine, 1 page, 1801. M29.

Box S-6

Objects: anemometer, 1 page, undated. MHi4.

Box S-6

Objects: moldboard, 1 page, undated. MHi5.

Objects: moldboard description, 4 pages, undated. MHi6.

Box S-6

Page 1, MHi6.

Box S-6

Page 2, MHi6.

Box S-6

Page 3, MHi6.

Box S-6

Page 4, MHi6.

Box S-6

Objects: hominy beater and hemp break, 2 pages, undated. MHi7.

Box S-6

MHi7, recto

Box S-6

MHi7, verso

Box S-6

Objects: furniture (marble table), 1 page, undated. MHi8.

Box S-6

Objects: tableware crates, 1 page, undated. MHi9.

Box S-6

Objects: carriage spring, 1 page, undated. MHi16.

Box S-6

Objects: carriage springs, 1 sheet, 2 pages undated. MHi17.

Box S-6

MHi17, recto

Box S-6

MHi17, verso

Box S-6

Objects: perpetual motion machine, 1 page, 1812. MHi23.

Box M-3

Objects: coiled spring, 1 page, undated. MHi24.

Box M-3

Objects: assorted sketches and calculations, 1 page, undated. MHi29.

Box S-6

Objects: furniture (chair), 1 page, 19 July 1800. Drawing in letter (retained copy) from Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 19 July 1800, 1 page with 1 endorsement page. MHi30.

Box M-3

Objects: bar/handle, 1 page, [circa 1806]. N428; K231f.

Box S-4

Objects: timber sizes, 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1809-1810. N429; K197d.

Box S-4

N429; K197d, recto

Box S-4

N429; K197d, verso

Box M-3

Objects: vase/baluster (template), 1 page, [circa 1778]. N432; K231i.

Box M-3

Objects: dial layout, 1 page, [1816]. N437; K231m.

Box S-4

Objects: goblet profile, 1 page, [circa 1794-1796]. N443; K231j.

Box S-4

Objects: goblet profiles, 1 page, [circa 1794-1796]. N444; K231k.

Box S-5

Objects: metal latch, 1 page, undated. N470; K231g.

Box S-5

Objects: furniture (3-tiered stand), 1 page, undated. N498; K231d.

Box S-5

Objects: iron strap, 1 page, [circa 1778]. N500; K231h.

Box S-5

Objects: furniture (extension table), 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N501; K231e.

Box S-5

N501; K231e, recto

Box S-5

N501; K231e, verso

Box M-3

Objects: urn, 1 page, [circa 1794-1796]. N507; K231l.

Box M-3

Objects: desk and dresser, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N531; M9(1).

Box M-3

N531; M9(1), recto

Box M-3

N531; M9(1), verso

Box M-3

Objects: desk and dresser, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N531; M9(2).

Box M-3

N531; M9(2), recto

Box M-3

N531; M9(2), verso

Box S-5

Objects: carriage body, 1 page, undated. N533; M1.

Box S-5

Objects: carriage body, 1 page, undated. N533; M2.

Box M-3

Objects: carriage, 1 page, undated. N534; M11.

Box S-5

Objects: carriage/phaeton, 1 page, undated. N535; M13.

Box M-3

Objects: [globe base], 1 page, undated. N551; M23.

Box S-5

Objects: [sun gauge], 1 page, undated. N552; M20.

Box M-3

Objects: [sun gauge], 1 page, undated. N552; M25.

Box M-3

Objects: carding machine, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N565; M7.

Box M-3

N565; M7, recto

Box M-3

N565; M7, verso

Box M-3

Objects: warp winding device, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N565; M28.

Box M-3

N565; M28, recto

Box M-3

N565; M28, verso

Box M-3

Objects: steam engine, 1 page, undated. N566; M16.

Box S-5

Objects: anemoscope/anemometer, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N566; M17.

Box S-5

N566; M17, recto

Box S-5

N566; M17, verso

Box S-5

Objects: various idea sketches, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N567; M6.

Box S-5

N567; M6, recto

Box S-5

N567; M6, verso

Box M-3

Objects: beam cross section, 1 page, undated. N568; M5.

Box M-3

Objects: compartmentalized box, 1 page, undated. N569; M26.

Box S-5

Objects: book press, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N570.

Box S-5

N570, recto

Box S-5

N570, verso

Box S-5

Objects: fireplace, 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N571; M19.

Box S-5

Objects: [cast iron cubes], 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N572; M21.

Box S-5

N572; M21, recto

Box S-5

N572; M21, verso

Box S-5

Objects: apple mill and press, 1 page, undated. N573.

Box S-5

Objects: portable copying press, 1 page, undated. N575; M18.


Box S-4

Paris: Cul-de-sac Tetebout (plan), 1 page, 1785. N245; K118a.

Box M-2

Paris: Hotel de Langeac (study plan), 1 page, 1785. N248; K118.


Box S-4

Philadelphia: stables, railing, and latch, 1 sheet, 2 pages, [probably 1778]. N249; K60.

Box S-4

N249; K60, recto

Box S-4

N249; K60, verso

Box S-4

Philadelphia: latch, stalls, cart, and doors, 1 sheet, 2 pages, probably 1778. N250; K61.

Box S-4

N250; K61, recto

Box S-4

N250; K61, verso

Box S-4

Philadelphia: house (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, [1793]. N251; K120.

Box S-4

N251; K120, recto

Box S-4

N251; K120, verso

Box M-2

Philadelphia: house (study plan), 1 page, 1790. N252; K124.

Box M-2

Philadelphia: house (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1790. N253; K122.

Box M-2

N253; K122, recto

Box M-2

N253; K122, verso

Box M-2

Philadelphia: house (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1790. N254; K123.

Box M-2

N254; K123, recto

Box M-2

N254; K123, verso

Poplar Forest

Box S-6

Poplar Forest: 903-acre tract (plat), 1 sheet, 2 pages undated. MHi1.

Box S-6

MHi1, recto

Box S-6

MHi1, verso

Box S-6

Poplar Forest: barn (study plan), 1 page, undated. MHi2.

Box S-4

Poplar Forest: house (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, before 1806. N256; K185.

Box S-4

N256; K185, recto

Box S-4

N256; K185, verso

Box M-2

Poplar Forest: house (study plan), 1 page, "before 1806, probably before 1804". N257; K186.

Box S-4

Poplar Forest: house (study plan), 1 page, before 1806. N258; K187.

Box S-4

Poplar Forest: house (study plan), 1 page, before 1806. N259; K188.

Box S-4

Poplar Forest: house (early plan), 1 page, before 1804. N260; K193.

Box M-2

Poplar Forest: dependencies (plan), 1 page, circa 1805. N261; K196.

Box M-2

Poplar Forest: kitchens (plan), 1 page, circa 1805. N264; K197.

Box M-2

Poplar Forest: kitchens (plan), 1 page, [circa 1805]. N264a; K197a.


Box M-2

Richmond: Virginia Capitol (plan), 1 page, 1785. N272; K109.

Box M-2

Richmond: Virginia Capitol (plan), 1 page, 1785. N273; K110.

Box M-2

Richmond: Virginia Capitol (plan), 1 page, 1785. N274; K111.

Box M-2

Richmond: Virginia Capitol (plan), 1 page, 1785. N275; K112.


Richmond: Virginia Capitol (study plans), 1 page, 1785. N276; K113.

Box M-2

Richmond: Virginia Capitol (side elevation), 1 page, 1785. N277; K114.

Box M-2

Richmond: Virginia Capitol (side elevation), 1 page, 1785. N278; K115.

Box M-2

Richmond: Virginia Capitol (end elevation), 1 page, 1785. N279; K116.

Box S-4

Richmond: Governor's House (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1780. N283; K104.

Box S-4

N283; K104, recto

Box S-4

N283; K104, verso

Box S-4

Richmond: Governor's House (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, circa 1780. N284; K105.

Box S-4

N284; K105, recto

Box S-4

N284; K105, verso

Box S-4

Richmond: Governor's House (study plan), 1 page, probably 1779. N285; K101.

Box S-4

Richmond: Hall of Justice (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, [probably summer 1780]. N287; K106.

Box S-4

N287; K106, recto

Box S-4

N287; K106, verso

Box S-4

Richmond: McRae House (plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, undated. N288; K198.

Box S-4

N288; K198, recto

Box S-4

N288; K198, verso

Box S-4

Richmond: McRae House (plan), 1 page, undated. N289; K199.

Box S-4

Richmond: McRae House (plan), 1 page, undated. N290; K200.

Box M-2

Richmond: McRae House (plan), 1 page, undated. N291; K201.

Box S-4

[Richmond: McRae House] (plan), 1 page, [1809]. N292; K202.


Richmond: town layout (plan), 1 page, Spring 1780 or before. N293; K102.

Box S-4

Richmond: Shockoe Hill (plan), 1 page, not later than Spring 1780. N294; K103.


Box S-4

[Shadwell]: house (study plan), 1 page, [circa 1800]. N296; K141.


Box M-2

Tufton: barn (plan), 1 page, circa 1810-1814. N297; K197c.

Tufton and Lego

Box M-2

Tufton and Lego: barns (studies), 1 page, circa 1810-1814. N298; K197b.

University of Virginia

Box S-4

University of Virginia: Hotels B and E (study plans), 1 page, circa 1817 or before. N301; K207.

Created title based on re-identification of this item by Joseph Michael Lasala in his thesis, Thomas Jefferson's Designs for the University of Virginia, Master of Architecture, University of Virginia, 1992.
Box M-2

University of Virginia: Pavilion III (study), 1 page, 1817. N302; K211.

Box M-2

University of Virginia: Pavilion VIII (plan), 1 page, 1819. N319; K209.

Created title based on re-identification of this item by Joseph Michael Lasala in his thesis, Thomas Jefferson's Designs for the University of Virginia, Master of Architecture, University of Virginia, 1992.
Box M-2

University of Virginia: Pavilion VIII (notes), 1 page, 1819. N320; K210.

Box S-4

University of Virginia: Pavilion VI (study plan), 1 page, 1819. N323; K208.

Box S-4

University of Virginia: Pavilion VIII (study plan), 1 page, circa 1820. N334.

Box S-4

University of Virginia: dormitory, 1 page, circa 1817. N406; K176.

Box S-4

University of Virginia: lunette window, 1 page, undated. N438; K231c.

Created title based on re-identification of this item by Joseph Michael Lasala in his thesis, Thomas Jefferson's Designs for the University of Virginia, Master of Architecture, University of Virginia, 1992.


Washington: Capitol (study plan and elevation), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1792. N387; K132.

Box S-4

N387; K132, recto

Box S-4

N387; K132, verso

Washington: Capitol (studies), 1 sheets, 2 pages (1 additional sheet, blank) , [1792]. N388.

Box S-4

N388, recto

Box S-4

N388, verso

Box M-2

Washington: Capitol (study), 1 sheet, 1 page , [1792]. N388.


Washington: Capitol (plan), 1 page, 1796-1803. N389; K132a.

Box S-4

"Washington: Capitol, east front (plan)", 1 page, [1806]. N391; K180a.


Washington: President's House (plan), 1 page, 1792. N396; K179.


Washington: President's House (study plans), 1 page, 1792. N397; K125.


Washington: President's House (elevation), 1 page, 1792. N398; K126.

Box M-2

Washington: President's House (colonnades), 1 sheet, 2 pages, (1 sheet includes N402 on one side, and N404 on the other side), 1805. N402; K178.

Reminder: physically associated with N404
Box M-2

Washington: President's House (study plan), 1 page, 1792. N403; K131.

Box M-2

Washington: President's House (offices), 1 sheet, 2 pages, (1 sheet includes N402 on one side, and N404 on the other side), Probably 1805. N404; K177.

Reminder: physically associated with N402

Washington: President's House dependencies (plan), 1 page, probably 1804. N405; K175.


[Washington]: rotunda house (plan and elevation), 1 page, 1803. N411; K181.

Washington: treasury office (elevation), 1 sheet, 2 pages 1796-1797. N414; K180.


N414; K180, recto


N414; K180, verso


Box S-4

Williamsburg: Governor's Palace (plan), 1 page, [1768]; or 1779-1781. N422; K95.

Box S-4

Williamsburg: Governor's Palace (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1779-1781. N423; K96.

Reminder: physically associated with N424
Box S-4

Williamsburg: Governor's Palace (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1779-1781. N424; K97.

Reminder: physically associated with N423
Box S-4

Williamsburg: Governor's Palace (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1779-1781. N425; K98.

Reminder: physically associated with N426
Box S-4

Williamsburg: Governor's Palace (study plan), 1 sheet, 2 pages, 1779-1781. N426; K99.

Reminder: physically associated with N425
Box M-3

Williamsburg: Governor's Palace (study plan), 1 page, 1779-1781. N427; K100.

Preferred Citation

Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Adams, Abigail, 1744-1818.
Adams, John, 1735-1826.
Cosway, Maria Hadfield, 1759-1838.
Eppes, Maria, 1778-1804.
Jefferson, Peter, 1708-1757.
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826--Farm book.
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826--Garden book.
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826--Notes on the state of Virginia.
Ko'sciuszko, Tadeusz, 1746-1817.
Madison, James, 1751-1836.
Monroe, James, 1758-1831.
Randolph, Martha Jefferson, 1772-1836.
Wythe, George, 1726-1806.


Monticello (Va.).
Poplar Forest (Va.).
Republican Party (U.S. : 1792-1828).
Shadwell (Va.).
United States. President (1801-1809 : Jefferson).


Account books--1783-1890.
Architectural drawing--18th century.
Embargo, 1807-1809.
Family history--1750-1799.
Family history--1800-1849.
United States--Politics and government--1775-1783.
United States--Politics and government--1783-1809.
Virginia--Politics and government.